Is there somebody that cannot benefit from Nordic Walking? Not really. Quite the opposite, in fact: from super fit people to those with medical problems, whatever age or goal, Nordic Walking is suitable, effective and enjoyable for everybody.  As Patrizia Scavalli, an Italian lung specialist, recently said “Nordic Walking helps in keeping the blood pressure under control and in preventing osteoporosis and arthrosis”.

Not bad at all, especially if we also consider all those benefits that science cannot still measure but that significantly improve our quality of life and to some extent even the meaning we attribute to it.  What about that immediate and peaceful contact with nature that Nordic Walking allows you to experience and that helps you feeling part of a greater, harmonic whole? Those who already practise Nordic Walking have experienced a significant decrease in their stress levels because, step after step, all the futile, tiring, unrelenting thoughts are replaced by the concentration put on breathing: thus the mind, now free again from what is negative and unnecessary, becomes a blank canvas for positivity and creativity.

beautiful landscape of Tuscia

Whether you are already are a Nordic Walker or fancy trying this sport whilst on holidays, the Tuscia area could well be your ideal destination.  Far from the beaten path of mass tourism yet not isolated, it offers the best natural context you could think of: trails and paths where you could only hear the sounds of your own steps.

It is hard to mention them all while keeping our writing short so we are going to list them by macro-categories.  If you like woods, the Cimini Mountains present the most “Nordic” landscape you can find in this part of Italy. It is also worth exploring the Treja Valley and its waterfalls, a real pleasure to see after a long walk. The lake area is rather interesting as well, especially the natural reserve around Lake Vico: there are many trails in this area, suitable for every level of ability. If archaeology is your thing, try and explore the trails around Norchia, Vulci and Tarquinia; given you proximity to the seaside, once there, head to Le Saline, where a peaceful and somewhat surreal landscape awaits you in what used to be a salt mine.

Whatever your choice, do not forget to bring some water and food with you as you will be walking in unspoilt nature. A hat is also necessary during the hottest Summer months. A piece of advice? Always add some extra time to your planned walk, as chances are that you may want to stop every now and again to admire the incredible beauty that surrounds you.